GLS Law Firm
Access legal professionals for 30% of the cost

GLS Law Firm
Same Lawyers, Better Tools, Far Better Price Point
See what can be achieved by a law firm dedicated to optimal efficiency.
Why GLS?
You don't need expensive lawyers. You need GLS.

Access Top Talent
Don't waste money on expensive resources. Tap into the talent of GLS Lawyers for a fraction of the going rate.

Transform your Team
Lean on GLS for your lawyering needs. Concentrate on your core goals. Change the way you do business.

Law has evolved
It's time for change. Bloated quotes and complicated lawyering is over. GLS Law gives you access to the professionals you need.
Awards & Accolades

Most Innovative Law Firm - Financial Times

The Middle East Legal Awards 2021

Most Innovative Legal Services Provider 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
All our lawyers come from top tier law firm / in-house backgrounds, and have at least 5 years’ experience. Does that make us better? Not really, most good firms have good people.
What makes us really different is how our lawyers operate; from an efficiency first platform. We focus on solving common legal challenges faced by most businesses with technology and superior efficiency processes.
The net result is we frequently cost only 30% of comparable law firm provider fees and almost always deliver on a fixed fee basis. So, same lawyers, different focus, better processes nets out at up to 70% cost savings for you.
Basically, our model is to sell our advisory answers at disruptive fixed price points that most business can access and which allows us to sell that answer thousands of times - with everyone winning.
So, you tell us – does that sound better for your business?
Um, everything!
Firstly, we only offer hourly rates because businesses ask to see them. Our rate is a single rate for all our lawyers globally that is a fraction of the cost of comparable providers charge. See our cool video on the home page that tells you exactly what our rates are.
Secondly, we focus on solving “common” legal support challenges faced by most businesses where the answer is readily understood. We serve a “mass” and “scaleable” market with known solutions.
Thirdly, we use outstanding legal talent using technology and superior processes to solve challenges that just aren’t all that complex. So, quality assured levels are always high.
So, you take out 70% of the cost of legal services, most things are done a fixed price basis, and we don’t have to have awkward soul-destroying conversations about fees.